
Chicago Outpatient Clinics, Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) has partnered with Mesmerize, a distribution/printing company, to deliver 295 Clinical Antimicrobial Stewardship Binders for Urgent Care/Immediate Care or Primary Care/Family Medicine/Internal Medicine Chicago Providers. 

Dental Antimicrobial Stewardship Binders will also be delivered to 209 clinics in Chicago. The binders are a combination of the CDC Core Elements of Outpatient Antimicrobial Stewardship, Illinois Department of Public Health's Antimicrobial Stewardship Toolkit specific to Primary Care Providers or Dentists, respectively for each binder, and select CDPH supplemental content. In addition to the binders, each facility has the option to opt-in and also receive CDC brochures and/or posters promoting antibiotic awareness. All materials (binders, brochures and/or posters) are free of charge for the outpatient Chicago clinics, and funded by a CDC grant. We hope that the timing of materials prior to mid-November 2019 will help promote awareness and generating new antimicrobial stewardship initiatives in time for CDC's Antimicrobial Awareness Week. Campaign content including Binder Chapters, brochures and posters can be viewed below under "Table of Contents".

Currently, during February and March 2020, the Urgent Care/Immediate Care or Primary Care/Family Medicine/Internal Medicine Chicago 295 locations will receive a post-survey asking for feedback on the materials, and timely updates on novel Coronavirus 2019. The 209 Dental Clinics in Chicago will receive new antimicrobial stewardship materials. The dental folder contains CDPH antibiotic use guidelines for dentistry, recommendations for adult and pediatric pain relief (ibuprofen and/or acetaminophen), and new guidelines outlining appropriate antibiotic use for common dental conditions.

Best Regards,

The Hospital Acquired Infection / Antibiotic Resistance (HAI/AR) Unit of CDPH


Table Of Contents

Chicago Outpatient Antimicrobial Stewardship Educational Campaign

Dental folder with Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) developed content:

CDPH Pocketcard with Antibiotic and Pain Relief Recommendations

CDPH Guidelines for Antibiotic Use in Dentistry

CDPH One-page Summary of Therapeutic Antibiotic Use in Dentistry

CDPH Beta-lactam Allergy Pearls & Counseling Points for Common Antibiotics Used in Denistry

CDPH Adult Pain Relief Recommendations (Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen)

CDPH Pediatric Pain Relief Recommendations (Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen)

American Dental Association (ADA) references available on the website: www.ada.org/antibiotics

ADA Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines on Antibiotic Use for the Urgent Management of Pulpal- and Periapical-related Dental Pain and Intraoral Swelling

ADA Systemic Review and Meta-analysis of Antibiotic Use Guidelines

ADA Plain Language Summary of Systemic Review and Meta-analysis

ADA Algorithm when Definitive, Conservative Dental Treatment is Immediately Available

ADA Algorithm when Definitive, Conservative Dental Treatment is NOT Immediately Available

ADA ACE Panel Report Fact Sheet: Antibiotic Use in Endodontic Infections

*Featured Clinical Infectious Disease Article*: Goff DA et al Review Article on Appropriate Dental Antibiotic Prophylaxis Use to Prevent Endocarditis and Prosthetic Joint Infections

Dental Binder Content:

Dental Binder: Introduction

Dental Binder: Chapter One: Commitment

Dental Binder: Chapter Two: Act

Dental Binder: Chapter Three: Track and Report

Dental Binder: Chapter Four: Educate

Dental Binder: Chapter Five: Supplemental Materials

Link to July 2019 Webinar Presentation - "Chicago Outpatient Antimicrobial Stewardship: Updates and Opportunities" - during CDPH's Outpatient Infection Control Practitioner Roundtable virtual meeting

View the live one hour presentation here: https://fccdl.in/gekj8tXl3t

CDC/CDPH Brochures and Posters for Campaign - Clinical (Primary Care/Immediate Care/Urgent Care/Family Medicine) and Dental Focus:

Clinical Trifold Brochure

Dental Trifold Brochure

"Right Tool" Poster - English

"Right Tool" Poster - Spanish

Virus vs Bacteria Poster

CDPH Healthcare Associated Infections

Dental Toolkit Contacts

For questions related to Healthcare Associated Infection/Antibiotic Resistance, please, contact the Chicago Department of Public Health at: CDPHHAIAR@cityofchicago.org